First Date: How to Stay Calm, Cool and Collected

  • Preparing for a first date, i.e. choosing comfortable clothing and having a pre-date ritual, coupled with strategies to maintain a positive mindset throughout the date.

  • Managing first-date jitters, such as using breathing techniques and humour, to help create a relaxed and enjoyable dating atmosphere.

  • Encouraging reflective thinking post-date, focusing on honest self-assessment and communication, and using the experience as a stepping stone for personal growth.

Relaxing first date setting cup of coffee overlooking blue sea

Find serenity on your first date with a backdrop as calm as your conversation.

Going on a first date can feel like stepping into a thrilling yet daunting new world. 

It’s a blend of excitement for the potential of finding your perfect match and anxiety about making a good impression.

These first date jitters are a common experience.

One that unites us in the quest for love and companionship.

The anticipation of meeting someone new brings a host of questions and possibilities.

“Will there be a connection?” “What will we talk about?”

“How should I act?”

These thoughts are a natural part of the process, reflecting our innate desire to form meaningful relationships.

However amidst this whirlwind of emotions, it's important to find ways to stay calm, cool and collected.

Doing so not only improves your dating experience but also helps in presenting your most authentic self. 


First impressions count but they are just one part of a larger journey.

In this guide we’ll explore practical tips and strategies to help you manage those first date nerves. 

From preparing for the date to engaging in meaningful conversation.

I’ll provide you with the tools to approach your date with confidence, even if you’re inwardly sweating.

So if you’re looking for the best dating advice on first dates, this article is for you!

Understanding First Date Nerves

Why Do We Get Nervous?

First dates stir up a blend of emotions, primarily due to the anticipation of the unknown. 

When meeting someone new, our minds naturally focus on the uncertainties: Will they like me? What if there's an awkward silence? These questions trigger our body's natural stress response, often referred to as the 'fight or flight' mode.

Moreover, societal pressures and personal expectations can amplify these nerves. We live in a world where first impressions are given significant weight, and the desire to be seen as attractive, interesting, or compatible adds another layer of pressure. 

This is especially true in the era of social media and online dating, where the comparison with others' seemingly perfect dating lives can heighten our own insecurities.

Interestingly, evolutionary psychology suggests that this nervousness could be a relic of our innate desire to find a suitable partner for long-term relationships. This deep-rooted instinct makes us hyper-aware of how we present ourselves, fuelling the jitters.

However, it's vital to remember that your date is likely experiencing similar feelings. Recognising this shared vulnerability can be comforting and can foster a more genuine and empathetic connection.

It's Normal to Be Nervous

Feeling jittery before a first date is a completely normal reaction. 

In fact, these nerves are a universal human experience, a part of our emotional fabric that everyone encounters at some point. It's a natural response to stepping out of your comfort zone and into a situation filled with potential and uncertainty.

This nervousness often stems from our innate desire to be liked and accepted. The prospect of forming a new romantic connection can bring hopes and fears to the surface, making us acutely aware of our actions and words. 

It's a sign that you're emotionally invested in the opportunity to form a meaningful connection, showing that you care about the impression you make.

Moreover, these nerves can actually be beneficial. They heighten our senses, sharpen our focus, and can even give us a boost of energy. 

Embracing these feelings can transform them into a positive force, driving us to be more present and engaged during the date.

It's important to remember that being nervous doesn't mean you're not confident or capable. It simply means you're human. 

Acknowledging and accepting these feelings can help in managing them effectively, making you more relatable and authentic in the eyes of your date.

Pre-Date Preparation

Choose Comfortable Clothing

When planning for a first date, the choice of what to wear plays a significant role in how you'll feel and be perceived. It's essential to strike a balance between looking your best and feeling comfortable. 

Here are some tips:

  • Match the Setting and Activity:

    • Opt for relaxed and comfortable attire for a casual setting like a coffee shop.

    • Choose something more formal and sophisticated for an upscale dinner or event.

  • Express Your Personality:

    • Wear clothes that reflect who you are. Your outfit should speak to your personal style.

    • Avoid experimenting with a completely new look on a first date. Stick to what you feel confident in.

  • Prioritise Comfort:

    • Ensure your outfit is comfortable and something you feel at ease in.

    • This could mean choosing clothes you've worn before and know you look good in.

Choosing the right outfit can set the tone for your date. It's not just about impressing your date, but also about feeling self-assured and at ease. 

When you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing, it shows in your demeanor and can make a world of difference in your confidence levels.

Plan Your Date Wisely

The setting of your first date can play a pivotal role in how comfortable both you and your date feel. Choosing the right venue and activity can set the stage for a relaxed and enjoyable encounter.

First, consider the interests and preferences of both you and your potential partner. 

If you have a shared interest, such as a love for art or a penchant for outdoor activities, incorporating this into your date can be a great conversation starter and help in breaking the ice.

Avoid overly complex or logistically challenging plans. Simplicity is key. A date that requires too much travel time, or is too elaborate, can add unnecessary stress. 

A quiet coffee shop, a casual stroll through a park, or visiting an art exhibition can provide a conducive environment for conversation without the pressure of constant stimulation.

A peaceful walking path with bare trees and an old bridge, evoking a thoughtful and serene dating atmosphere.

A tranquil walk can be the perfect backdrop for getting to know each other on a deeper level.

Timing is also crucial. Opt for a time that doesn't rush either of you. For instance, a weekend afternoon might be more relaxing than a weekday evening, allowing more flexibility and a sense of ease.

Remember, the goal is to get to know each other better, not to impress with extravagant plans. A well-thought-out date that prioritises comfort and shared interests can pave the way for a meaningful and enjoyable experience.

Have a Pre-Date Ritual

Establishing a pre-date ritual is a powerful way to alleviate nerves and set yourself up for a successful dating experience. This ritual can act as a grounding mechanism, providing a sense of familiarity and control amidst the unpredictability of dating.

Start by choosing activities that soothe and centre you. This might include a light workout or a jog, which can help release endorphins and boost your mood. 

Alternatively, meditation or deep-breathing exercises can help calm your mind and reduce anxiety. Even a simple act like taking a warm shower or enjoying a favourite cup of tea can be incredibly calming.

Listening to music that uplifts your spirit or reading a few pages of an inspiring book can also set a positive tone for the date. Choose songs or literature that make you feel confident and optimistic about the possibilities ahead.

Incorporate a mental preparation element. Spend a few minutes visualising the date going well, imagining yourself being relaxed and engaging. Positive visualisation can significantly impact your mindset, increasing your confidence and reducing stress.

A consistent pre-date ritual not only helps in managing nerves but also signals to your brain that you're preparing for something important, allowing you to transition into the date with a composed and positive outlook.

During the Date

Focus on the Present

Staying present during a first date is crucial for building a genuine connection. It’s easy to get lost in worries about how the date is going or what to say next, but such concerns can distract you from the valuable opportunity to truly engage with the person in front of you.

Mindfulness is a key tool here. Try to actively listen to your date, paying close attention to their words and expressions. This not only shows that you value what they have to say, but it also helps you respond more thoughtfully and authentically. Remember, communication is as much about listening as it is about speaking.

Resist the urge to check your phone or get distracted by your surroundings. Such actions can make your date feel undervalued and can disrupt the flow of conversation. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring your focus back to the moment. 

Acknowledge any distracting thoughts, and then let them pass, redirecting your attention to your date.

Embracing the present moment also means enjoying the date for what it is, without overthinking about the future or dissecting past dating experiences. This approach allows for a more relaxed and natural interaction, opening the door for a deeper and more meaningful connection.

Breathing Techniques

Navigating the nerves of a first date can be made easier with the use of simple breathing techniques. These methods can help calm your mind and steady your nerves, allowing you to enjoy the date more fully. 

Here's how you can incorporate them:

  • Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing:

    • Practice breathing deeply into your diaphragm instead of shallow chest breaths.

    • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen to guide your breath.

  • The 4-7-8 Method:

    • Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then exhale slowly for eight seconds.

    • This technique helps slow your heart rate and relax your mind.

  • Regular Practice:

    • Integrate these breathing techniques into your daily routine for greater effectiveness.

    • The more you practice, the more natural they will feel to use in moments of stress or nervousness.

Using these breathing techniques can be a subtle yet powerful tool to manage first-date anxiety. They are discreet enough to use at any moment during your date, helping you to remain calm and present. 

Remember, the key is not to eliminate nerves completely, but to manage them in a way that allows you to be your best self.

The Power of Humour

Humour plays a significant role in breaking the ice and creating a comfortable atmosphere on a first date. A well-timed joke or a funny anecdote can ease tension, bringing a light-heartedness to the encounter that encourages both you and your date to relax.

Laughing together establishes a connection and fosters a sense of mutual understanding. It's a natural human reaction that not only reduces stress but also promotes bonding. 

Sharing a laugh can instantly transform the dynamic of a date, making it feel more like a conversation between friends rather than a formal meeting.

It's important to keep the humour considerate. Avoid jokes that might be offensive or divisive. Instead, focus on light, observational humour or funny stories from your own life that are relatable. 

Self-deprecating humour, when used sparingly, can show humility and approachability, but be careful not to undermine yourself excessively.

Remember, your goal is to show your genuine personality. If humour is a part of who you are, let it shine through naturally. It’s not about performing or forcing jokes, but about finding moments of joy and shared laughter that can make the date a memorable and enjoyable experience.

After the Date

Reflect, Don't Overanalyse

After a first date, it’s natural to replay events in your mind, reflecting on what went well and what didn’t. While reflection is healthy and can provide valuable insights for future dates, it’s important to avoid overanalysing every detail, which can lead to unnecessary stress and self-doubt.

Reflect on the key moments of the date: the flow of conversation, moments of connection, and your overall feelings. Did you feel comfortable and engaged? Were there shared interests and values that came to light? This kind of reflection can help you understand your own dating preferences and patterns more clearly.

However, it’s crucial to draw a line between constructive reflection and obsessive overthinking. Overanalysing can create a distorted version of events, often highlighting negatives and downplaying positives. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of wondering about 'what ifs' or interpreting every small action of your date. Remember, not every silence or awkward moment is significant.

Finally, give yourself credit for stepping out and making the effort. Each date is a learning experience, helping you grow in your journey of finding the right partner.

Plan for the Next Step

After the first date, it's time to consider your next steps. Whether the date sparked a potential romance or was a learning experience, deciding how to move forward is an important part of the dating journey.

If you felt a connection and are interested in seeing the person again, think about how best to communicate this. A simple message expressing your enjoyment of the date and interest in meeting again can be a great start. Be genuine in your communication, and remember, it’s okay to show enthusiasm.

On the other hand, if you didn’t feel a romantic spark, it’s important to be honest, both with yourself and with your date. It’s possible to convey your feelings respectfully without leading someone on.

Remember, not every date will lead to a relationship, but every date is an opportunity to learn more about what you are looking for in a partner.

Reflect on your dating experience. What did you learn about yourself and your preferences? Use these insights to refine your approach to future dates. 

Each experience is a step towards understanding what you seek in a relationship, helping you move closer to finding the right match.


Navigating the world of first dates can be challenging, but it's also an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and potentially finding a meaningful connection. 

Remember, first dates are just as much about you assessing your date as they are about you making a good impression.

It's normal to feel a mix of emotions – excitement, nervousness, hope. These feelings are a testament to the human desire for connection and companionship. Embrace them as part of the experience. 

Each date is a unique opportunity to meet someone new and to learn more about your own preferences and desires in a relationship.

Moreover, the skills you develop in managing first date jitters – such as staying present, using breathing techniques, and harnessing the power of humour – are valuable beyond the dating world. They can enhance your communication skills and self-awareness in various aspects of life.

Finally, whether a first date leads to a second one or ends as a single encounter, each experience is valuable. They are stepping stones in your journey, shaping your path towards finding someone with whom you truly connect. 

So stay positive, be yourself, and enjoy the journey.

Iain Myles

Iain Myles is a renowned Executive Dating Coach who has personally coached over 5,000 men and has over 360,000 followers worldwide. As the author of bestselling dating books, he offers bespoke 1-on-1 coaching. His expertise has earned him appearances on BBC Radio, features in the Irish Examiner and over 100 million views on KamaTV.


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