Meet Iain: Your Expert Dating Coach

Dating coach for men Iain Myles in London providing one-on-one training to a male client on a road in Kensington


I'm Iain, a dating coach for men.

My journey in becoming a dating coach’s been a crazy adventure, filled with ups and downs.

But I’ve got no regrets because it's shaped me into the guy I am today.

Let me take you back to the beginning.

My Story

Growing up, I was your typical geek.

I was the kid who always had his head buried in books, the one who aced all his exams but couldn't quite figure out girls.

I was teased relentlessly for the size of my head – "big head" was the favourite nickname and trust me, it stuck.

On top of that, I wore glasses, which only added to my loser persona.

I was never the sporty type either, so I didn't have the refuge of athleticism to boost my social status.

School was a tough place.

I watched from the sidelines as the popular kids got female attention.

Meanwhile, I was left wondering what they had that I didn’t.

It was a frustrating and often lonely experience, but it planted the seeds of curiosity that would later fuel my passion for self-development.

Younger version of Iain Myles back in high school

In 2009, everything changed.

I was on my way to Montenegro, feeling like I needed something to break the monotony of my life.

At the airport, I stumbled upon a book on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

That book was a game-changer.

It introduced me to the concept of self-improvement and the idea that I could reshape my destiny.

I devoured it and immediately began applying its principles to my life.

I started going out to bars and clubs alone, pushing myself way out of my comfort zone.

The initial experiences were brutal – I faced rejection after rejection.

But instead of letting it get me down, I saw each rejection as a learning opportunity.

I meticulously analysed what went wrong and gradually began to understand the dynamics of social interactions.

Fast forward to 2016.

After years of relentless self-improvement and countless nights out honing my skills, I achieved a milestone I once thought impossible:

I became a dating coach at Kamalifestyles.

It was a pivotal moment in my journey.

For the first time, I was in a position to help other guys who were struggling just like I had.

In 2019, I took another leap of faith.

I left my corporate job and started running Kamalifestyles full-time.

Dedicating myself entirely to transforming the lives of men who were in the same position I once was.

It's been an incredible journey.

And I've had the privilege of helping many guys overcome their fears, build confidence and find meaningful relationships.

Coaching Philosophy

My coaching philosophy’s deeply rooted in genuine self-improvement and leveraging individual strengths.

Unlike traditional dating coaches.

I focus on self-development rather than superficial changes, ensuring that clients like you improve their dating lives without compromising their true selves.

Through practical, real-life training in various social settings.

I equip men with the structure and framework needed to achieve more success in their dating lives.

My teaching approach is informed by my own past experiences, making my guidance not only practical but also empathetic and highly relevant.

My Services

When you sign up with me, you’ll get the perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience with my specialised coaching services.

Online Coaching

I offer an 8-week confidence training programme, combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to challenge and transform belief systems.

This programme is designed to help you build lasting confidence and change your approach to dating from the inside out.

Infield Coaching

If you’re looking for a more hands-on experience, I also provide practical coaching sessions.

These private 1-on-1 sessions are available in 3-day and 7-day formats, offering real-world practice in meeting and interacting with women.

Whether during the daytime or at night, these sessions will give you the opportunity to apply what you've learned in actual social settings, ensuring that you gain practical experience and confidence.

My Vision

I envision a world where men feel in control of their dating lives, moving beyond the superficialities of dating apps and social media.

These platforms have led to increased loneliness, narcissism and depression, contributing to a broken society.

My goal is to create genuine relationships, where men and women come together in understanding and harmony, meeting IRL (in real life) rather than relying solely on digital interactions.

Technology is a recent development.

But for thousands of years, we have evolved and civilised with men and women meeting and interacting in person.

By promoting meaningful interactions of high moral standards, I aim to reduce the prevalence of ghosting and fleeting encounters, helping to rebuild a society based on real, authentic relationships.

What People Are Saying

Key Achievements

Coached over 5,000 men

100+ Million YouTube Views

360,000 Followers, 100 Countries

Regular Guest on BBC Radio

Author of 5 Bestselling Dating Books

Schedule a Private Consultation

Take the first step towards a transformative dating experience for more success with women.

With Iain's coaching you'll receive a tailored roadmap designed to boost your confidence.

And equip you with the social skills to build deep, meaningful relationships.

Whether you're new to the dating scene or looking to refine your approach. Iain’s private consultation will set the foundation for a vibrant dating life.